“What Drives Me is the Ability to Influence Positive Change” – Mothathe Sewelo

Every time I speak to Mothathe Sewelo, the topic of leadership comes up. That is because she is so deeply ingrained in the topic. Everything she does is about leadership, from her role in YLC Ideal to A Seat at the Table. I actually think Leadership is part of her DNA, but let me not play doctor here. Check this Q&A and see for yourself:

Sibusiso Nkosi: You are a person who is passionate about the subject of leadership. What is it about leadership that drives you?

Mothathe Sewelo: Leadership, to me, is about the profound impact one can have on others and the broader community. It is about shaping a vision and guiding others towards realizing their potential while fostering a culture of growth, inclusion, and innovation. What drives me is the ability to influence positive change and create environments where people feel empowered to contribute meaningfully. Leadership is not just about authority but about responsibility – to uplift, inspire, and lead by example. Seeing the transformation in individuals and organizations through effective leadership is what fuels my passion.

Sibusiso Nkosi: What made you intentionally pursue a leadership role in your career instead of just working and earning a paycheck?

Mothathe Sewelo: From early on, I recognized that leadership goes beyond personal success. It is about collective achievement and legacy. I was driven by a desire to be part of something larger than myself, to contribute to the growth and development of others, and to have a lasting impact on my industry and community. Leadership offers a unique platform to advocate for values that matter, such as equity, diversity, and innovation. Pursuing leadership roles was a deliberate choice to ensure that my career was not just about earning a paycheck, but about making a difference and leaving the world better than I found it.

Sibusiso Nkosi: What is it that makes it so hard to land a leadership position? Or is that a misconception?

Mothathe Sewelo: Professionally – Landing a leadership position can indeed be challenging, and this is not entirely a misconception. Leadership roles require a blend of skills, experience, and the right opportunities. One of the key challenges is the expectation for leaders to be not only experts in their field but also visionary, adaptable, and capable of managing diverse teams and complex situations. The competition for these roles is intense, and often, the path to leadership involves overcoming biases, demonstrating consistent performance, and building a reputation for reliability and innovation. However, with intentionality, continuous self-improvement, and the right mentorship, these challenges can be navigated successfully.

Personally – On a more personal level, leadership is not confined to professional titles or positions. Everyone has the opportunity to lead, beginning with self-leadership. It is about how you manage yourself, set personal goals, and navigate challenges. Furthermore, you can develop leadership skills by volunteering your time and talents in various settings – whether in your family, community organizations, or places of worship. Leadership is about influence and impact, and you do not need to be the head of a department to make a difference. By leading in your own sphere of influence, you can develop and refine your leadership abilities in meaningful ways.

Sibusiso Nkosi: SATT is leadership focused. What is the overall vision of the organization as far as that is concerned?

Mothathe Sewelo: A Seat At The Table (#SATT) is a platform designed to connect young people with leaders and peers, facilitating discussions on societal issues and fostering meaningful interactions. It serves as a space where insights, wisdom, and experiences are shared, offering advice and creating opportunities for learning. The goal is to leave members inspired and motivated to make a positive impact in their communities and careers. Our overarching vision, known as Grand Baie Vision 2030, is both ambitious and achievable. We envision a future where youth are not just participants but are at the forefront of societal transformation. By 2030, we aim to have created a network of 1 million global ambassadors, equipped with the skills, knowledge, and connections necessary to drive change within their communities and beyond.

Sibusiso Nkosi: What are your top 3 leadership tips?

Mothathe Sewelo: 1. Self-Leadership – Before you can lead others, you must first lead yourself. This means being disciplined, setting clear personal goals, and constantly striving for self-improvement. It’s about being accountable to yourself, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and continuously working on becoming the best version of yourself. Self-leadership also involves emotional intelligence – the ability to manage your emotions and understand the emotions of others.

2. Authenticity: Leadership is most effective when it is genuine. People are more likely to follow leaders who are true to themselves, who stand by their values, and who communicate openly and honestly. Authenticity builds trust, which is the foundation of any successful leadership endeavor. It is about being consistent in your actions and words, and showing up as your true self, even in the face of challenges.

3. Servitude/Helping Others: True leadership is about serving others. It is about lifting others up, providing support and guidance, and creating opportunities for others to shine. A leader should be a mentor, a coach, and a supporter. By helping others grow, you not only build a stronger team but also create a legacy of empowerment and positive influence. Servant leadership fosters a collaborative and supportive environment, where everyone is motivated to contribute to the common good.

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About Sibusiso Nkosi

Seasoned Executive. Board Member. Certified Life Coach (Specializing in Career Coaching).

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